Plant Omics

Plant Omics

Omics is a critical component in the understanding of molecular systems that underlie various plant functions. For us at Cutag Laboratory, we have adopted an integrative approach in conducting plant systems research using genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.


Our genomics science mainly centers on gene expression profiling and genotyping assays as well as DNA and RNA sequencing services. It also focuses on sequence enhancement technologies and expertise in analysis of bioinformatics to support scientific studies. Our range of services include customized genomic services such as Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Gene Panel Sequencing, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), Low-Quality/FFPE DNA Sequencing, Amplicon and Construct Sequencing, and Genotyping Applications.


Metabolomics provides a direct and global snapshot of all the metabolites and tells you as the researcher what has happened, making it a preferred methodology. Our metabolomics services include global metabolite profiling, targeted & untargeted metabolomics profiling, for metabolite identification & quantification as well as their biosynthesis pathways.


Our advanced expertise in proteomics solutions, we guarantee you of higher levels of accuracy in quantification of deviations in protein expression, post-translational and structural variations with advanced depth and reproducibility. Our proteomics services include discovery proteomics and targeted proteomics.


Through our transcriptomic services we provide a comprehensive outline of the RNA information in samples. We provide relevant support to set up and carry out high-quality, well-controlled RNA-sequencing tests which are based on the modern deep-sequencing technologies. We provide the following sequencing services; Transcriptome, Targeted, Transcriptome or Targeted RNA Sequencing, sequencing of Small RNA and miRNA.


Plants are a rich source of life. Other than providing us with oxygen, some plants are also essential in drug development that can be used in treating major diseases that are affecting humanity today across the world. Indeed, about 80% of the world most useful drugs are from plants.

Dedicated to innovation, Cutag Labotary breaks free from the research labs of the past. Instead, we actively engage in a state of the art research studies to solve today’s problems using cutting edge phytochemical analysis. Outsource your phytochemical analysis to our scientists who understand plant physiology, biosynthetic pathways and metabolomics. We work with scientists, students and government research institutions.

Plant Taxonomy

As a scientist today, exploration and identification of plant species diversity are becoming increasingly difficult. Taxon names are excessively and extensively applied whether ambiguously or incorrectly. Eventually, records are often mismatched and the numbers of plant species inflated. The inconsistencies have created confusion among the plant scientists community leading to invalid conclusions and erroneous policy decisions that could adversely impact the environment. This calls for exploration for diversity studies to guide on policy making especially on conservation for endangered specimens.

Cutag Laboratory is capable of supporting extensive research in plant systematics. We provide plant taxonomy services for scientists, researchers, and students conducting experiments. We use a wide range of traditional and molecular techniques to primarily focus on the logical study of plant phylogeny and evolution at various taxonomic levels. To ensure that our taxonomy is reliable, we have integrated disparate data sources to ensure accuracy and standard. At our company we are focused on advancing the improvement of biodiversity science.

Why Choose Cutag Laboratory for your Plants Sample Analysis?

  • Rapid and reliable analytical results
  • Easy to read report
  • Delivery excellence
  • We provide actionable knowledge