DNA Testing

DNA Testing

With the rising cases of paternity fraud and genetic disorders, DNA testing has become an essential service for parents and couples hoping to prevent hereditary genetic disorders in future when they have children.

Our scientists at Cutag Laboratory provide DNA testing services (genetic testing) to establish or rule out suspected genetic disorders, anticipate risks for specific conditions, or acquire data that can be used to customize medical treatments based on an individual’s genetic makeup. We establish relationships between persons such as a child's parentage through the DNA paternity testing, (genetic parentage) or broadly predict an individual's ancestry.

We also apply the study of human DNA testing in animal and plant bioscience by evaluating relatedness/lineage, foreseeing/diagnosing hereditary illnesses, selective breeding, or for endeavors to support genetic diversity in populations at risk.


Cutag Laboratory also specializes in DNA fingerprinting for use as evidence in courts, to recognize bodies, find blood family members, and distinguish an excessively old or harmed dead body.

To get DNA fingerprint, a sample of cells from the body is taken for analysis at our lab. Blood is usually the easiest way. Nonetheless, it may be taken from a swab inside the mouth, skin, hair roots, saliva, sweat, or other body fluids. Cutag Lab technologists will then ran an analysis and prepare a report.

Why Choose Cutag Lab for your DNA Testing and Fingerprinting?

  • You will be able to connect pieces of evidence to an individual or rule out an individual as a suspect.
  • Identify parentage, siblings, and other families
  • Identify genetic diseases through your family.
  • Fast, efficient and accurate DNA testing